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Keep up to date with FUSWA activities, events and news.

We just launched our new Website!


24 Feb 2022

At long last, FUSWA have a brand new website.

Finally, after months, and weeks, and days, and endless hours of work, the FUSWA Website is finally live! The Team here at FUSWA are really excited for the release of our brand new website, which has been built by one of our own, dedicating themselves to its development for both desktop and mobile.

With the new site comes a new way to reach out to the FUSWA Team, find out what's happening in the Association, discover merchandise, explore helpful information, and how to become a Flinders University Social Work Association (FUSWA) Member, which is completely FREE to do.

We also have a great way for students to step up and join the FUSWA Team, giving you a little insight into the roles available, including how to become a Committee Member or Student Representative.

Visit our website here -


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