1 Mar 2022
Are you good with Discord?
As we head into 2022, the Team here at FUSWA have been unveiling new initiatives to help Social Work Students at Flinders University. One such application is our FUSWA Discord Server, built to provide Students studying the Bachelor's Degree, Master's or doing their Honour's, no matter where they are in the world, an opportunity to connect, share and feel part of the Flinders Social Work Community.
With Messenger / WhatsApp chats, we've found that Students come and go each semester, starting new chats with every new topic they commence. But sadly these chats, full of ideas and shared accounts, experiences and valuable information, is lost forever. However, by using the FUSWA Discord, you will, as with every new student coming into a topic, open up a world of information left behind by those students who have completed them, and even be able to add your own stamp for those that follow. To help us, help you, we are asking for Students familiar with Discord and know their way around a Chat Server, to help others who may not be as confident in its use.
If you believe yourself to be someone who can lead the way and become a FUSWA Discord Champion, let us know by reaching out to the Team here at FUSWA by emailing - fuswa.team@gmail.com Together, we can create something awesome! FUSWA